FInally Ran a Session.
So I was finally able to get a campaign going. Only have 2 players, One is the commanding officer and second player is science officer. I had them being assigned to pick up a old klingon D12 bop from a federation storage depot. It is post dominion war. When the players arrive in their runabout they go to meet the commander in charge of the depot. Once there they spend a night on board the reula type station and head out into the depot the next morning.
After the incident with the enterprise and the missing ships at the Z-15 depot all vessels now have a beacon that mnonitors them and their position. The players lock onto the signal but only to find the beacon floating alone in the co-ordinates of the D12.
The players begin a search and request any infor from the depot CO. They learn that 2 companies have contracts to salvage components from the depot and one was here a few days ago.
They track down the ship who's vulcan captain has no clue about possible problems while at the depot. While digging into his crews backgrouns they find some information about one of the deckhands having gambling problems. They discover that he owes the orion syndicate some money but neither he nor the orions are forthcoming. (In actuality he helped smuggle an operative onto the BoP to steal it to pay off his debts). In essence they are at a dead end for the moment.
They are being assigned to the far end of the beta qudrant across from the klingon border for patrols just outisde the federations own borders. Starfleet needs them on station so they determine there is a Miranda class ship in the depot that they can use. The USS tempest was put in the depot in the 2330's because microfractures were discovered throuthout it's hull and deemed unuseable. It was decided because the losses during the war were so great that starfleet had no choice but to reactivate the tempest and seeing as their duties would be patrol and pirate interdiction that the ship would suffice.
They were ordered to pull the exsisting computer core from a nearby and more up to date Miranda and retrofit it to the tempest. This would allow them to operate the ship with the 20 crew total they had for the bird of prey. after getting the core installed and checked out they were good to go. They were given official command of the tempest and as we ended the session were going to head to start their patrol route.
The players are a bit worried (as they should be) but they also understand that starfleet is working with what they have at hand. They seemed to enjoy themselves and I'm looking foreward to what mischief I can get them into with the swapped core and the microfractures. I still have to decide how long the can go in their current ship before they get a new one. Still deciding on wether I give them another ship from say the adenture "Perditions Flames" or assign them a new one.
Duct tape is like The Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
- Carl Zwanzig