Star Trek Continues... er, continues? with their second full episode, Lolani. The episode features an escaped Orion Slave girl and her master. The master is played by Lou Ferigno, who obviously diagrees with Kermit's song "It's Not Easy Being Green". He's famous for playing TV's Incerdible Hulk, and now, at 62, an Orion. He's big, he's green and he's mean. He mops the floor with Kirk, even though Vic Mignogna throws Kirk's patented flying double kick at him (sometimes known as "throwing Kirk's ass at him).
The Enterprise CGI model in Star Trek Continues is by Doug Drexler, who serves as an Executive Producer and all-round consultant.
Fun stuff, with Kirk having to make a tough decision - whether to disobey Starfleet's express orders or to allow the Orion to reclaim his "property". Nods are made to the Star Trek Enterprise version of history.