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Thread: Fitting the crew in the Space

  1. #1

    Fitting the crew in the Space

    First post and I'm not sure exactly where this should go, but since it involves # of crew and size allotment in ship designs, I hope this is the right place. If it's not, I apologise profusely and promise not to past at 2 AM again. I also apologise for this being anal retentive, but my players and I are all rather rabid trek fans with all of the nitpicking that goes along with it.

    I'm working on an idea for a campaign invilving a smaller sized ship, like an Oberth or a Nova, and am wanting deck plans. I have found some available on the web but they always seem to mention or try to address the "large" number of crew by cutting back on other areas.

    The thing is, all of the enlisted crew quarters seem to be based on double bunks, but as seen in Undiscovered Country, the Enterprise (being a fairly decent size) uses triple bunks for the enlisted men. If tehy used the triple bunk, there would be a lot more space available for necessary systems and such while retaining the crew compliment.

    Am I missing something here? Are the triple bunks only visible on copies of movies I buy? Is there some standard I am not aware of that states you must only use double bunks? Is the new guy really posting about this?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    OK, the assumption here, based on the vessels that you mentioned is that you are running a game set in the movie era.

    Now using this, it would be quite reasonable to assume the triple bunk theory, we know from the TNG episode relics where Scotty is getting the tour of the 1701-D that TNG era ships are far larger and more luxurious than earlier vessels and the quarters are cramped even for senior crew.

    Problem here is that unless the deck-plans have been designed by someone that agrees with your opinion, or you design them yourself, it seems unlikely that you will get what you have been looking for.

    However, considering that over 90% of the ship never gets screen time, you can simply assume that this is the case, and focus on the areas likely to see screen time, ie; The Bridge, Transporter Room, Sickbay, Engineering, and occasionally Quarters, Shuttlebay and a few carefully chosen corridors. It shouln't be neccesary to micro-manage the ship no matter how rabid a trek-fan you are, not unless you know more about the tech than the rest of the 20th century, after all, this is the far future. Who is to say that so much space would be required for systems?
    DanG/Darth Gurden
    The Voice of Reason and Sith Lord

    “Putting the FUNK! back into Dysfunctional!”

    Coming soon. The USS Ganymede NCC-80107
    "Ad astrae per scientia" (To the stars through knowledge)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    anywhere but here
    what Dan said...

    about the oberth.. your rabid fan/players might have noticed the U.S.S Tsiolkovskys crew quarters then, the ones shown are rather large.. even if it was officer quarters they are still larger than Capt. Sulus' quarters on the excelsior..
    the newer smaller systems would give the room for not having to resort to such cramped quarters used in earlier vessels.

    I would use Owens deck plans for the Oberth. they are are far more logical than a couple have seen.

    as for the nova, well havent seen too many plans and didnt see enough of the quarters shown in shows to judge if they are way off.. but a couple plans i have seen -i wish i could remember them now- were quite nice and didnt see anything really 'anal retentive nitpicky' off on them..
    god,grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,The good fortune to run into the ones I do,And the eyesight to tell the difference..


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada
    While I might do things slightly different, I've found these to work. There is a Nova-class deck plan under the canon frames page:

    "It is our mission to push back the darkness from the light and expand the boundaries of knowledge and understanding. That doesn't mean exploring every pleasure planet between here and Andromeda XO."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    anywhere but here

    Thumbs up

    well theres one set i couldn't remember...
    god,grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,The good fortune to run into the ones I do,And the eyesight to tell the difference..


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada
    Doing a google search may reveal others.

    "It is our mission to push back the darkness from the light and expand the boundaries of knowledge and understanding. That doesn't mean exploring every pleasure planet between here and Andromeda XO."

  7. #7
    Geez, I write bad when I'm tired as all getout. O.o

    Thanks for the info, guys. I did grab those Nova class ones after my post up there. Where might I find "Owens" Oberth plans?

    FYI, it's not that we need to know that engineering has 3 flux capacitors connected to the technowhozit, but the players (and me) need to know if room X is across from room Y and so on. Keeps things consistant and understandable while cutting back on notes needed. And given I can't draw worth anything...


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    Calgary, AB Canada

    The link for Owen's plans. There is other information and some plans there. Well worth checking out.

    On another note, several years ago, I also bought deck plans for the Oberth but I'd have to dig them out again. A company used to put several different designs out in simple white envelopes. From what I recall of it, it was not bad but left much to be desired.

    Last edited by Capt. K. Vaughn; 01-04-2005 at 05:27 AM.
    "It is our mission to push back the darkness from the light and expand the boundaries of knowledge and understanding. That doesn't mean exploring every pleasure planet between here and Andromeda XO."

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